Standing on the shores of the sea, staring at a lone seagull perched on a throne of sand, and rock glued together by a man I do not know. Read more
Category: Fine Art
Chicago’s Lake Front
The temperature was still in the mid 80’s around 9:30pm as Jackie, Anya and I traveled down the shores of Lake Michigan. Our friend, Anya, was giving us a tour of Chicago while we stayed with her for the weekend. This night, the windy city did not hold true to her name. Read more
An Evening Among Wildflowers
Like a jet fighter dive bombing the enemy, a lone dragonfly buzzed past my nose as it collected mosquitos seconds before they could stick me with their blood sucking paraphernalia. It was 80 degrees and I was wearing a coat in order to try and limit my exposure to the blood thirsty parasites. Read more
Landscapes and Happiness
7 minute Read
“Bling Bling, what? Bling Bling, huh, where the hell? I peeled back the covers from my face and was greeted with the inside of a dark tent. The wind was screaming in the tree tops, and I felt the cold air hit my face. I opened my phone and saw the time. 5:00 am.” Read more
A weekend at the North Shore
It amazes me that with a beautiful sunrise each morning and a beautiful sunset every evening, that we don’t take the time to enjoy them more. Funny how we start our day with newspapers and coffee and end them with tv and beer instead. Read more